AS Psychology AS Psychology Topical Past Papers The last past paper session included in most of the past papers below is of May/June 2021. * Canli et al. (2000) * Dement and Kleitman (1957) * Schachter & Singer (1962) * Andrade (2010) - updated till M/J '23! * Baron-Cohen et al. (2001) * Laney et al. (2008) * Bandura et al.
AS Sociology AS Sociology Past Papers * AS Sociology 2018-2019 Past Papers * AS Sociology 2020-2021 Past Papers
AS Sociology AS Sociology 2018-2019 Past Papers 2018 2018 - Question Paper 1 9699_s18_qp_11 9699_s18_qp_12 9699_s18_qp_13 9699_w18_qp_11 9699_w18_qp_12 9699_w18_qp_13 2018 - Marking Scheme 1 9699_s18_ms_11 9699_s18_ms_12 9699_s18_ms_13 9699_w18_ms_
AS Sociology AS Sociology 2020-2021 Past Papers 2020 2020 - Question Paper 1 9699_m20_qp_12 9699_s20_qp_11 9699_s20_qp_12 9699_s20_qp_13 9699_w20_qp_11 9699_w20_qp_12 9699_w20_qp_13 2020 - Marking Scheme 1 9699_m20_ms_12 9699_s20_ms_11 9699_s20_ms_
A-Level Psychology 7.1 The Physical Environment Index: 1. Retail Store Architecture 2. Leisure Environments 3. Store Interior Layout 4. Music in restaurants 5. Music in open-air markets 6. Background noise & food perception 7. Models of Pleasure-Arousal & Cognitive-Emotion 8. Lighting & Colour in Retail Stores 9. Effects of odour on shopper arousal & emotions Retail/
A-Level Psychology 7.2 The Psychological Environment Index: 1. Cognitive Maps of Retail Locations 2. Crowding in Retail Environments 3. Shopper Movement Patterns 4. Eye-movement patterns, framing, menu mistakes 5. Primacy, Recency, & menu-item position 6. Sensory Perception & Food Name 7. Theories of Personal Space 8. Space at Restaurant Tables 9. Defending your place in a
A-Level Psychology 7.3 Consumer Decision Making Index: 1. Utility theory, satisficing, Prospect theory 2. Decision-making strategies 3. Marketing theories 4. Choice Heuristics: Availability & representativeness 5. Anchoring & purchase quantity decisions 6. Pre-cognitive decisions 7. Fast and slow thinking 8. Choice blindness 9. Advertising & false memory Utility theory, satisficing and Prospect theory 1. Utility theory
A-Level Psychology 7.4 The Product Index: 1. Gift Wrapping 2. Product Colour and Associative Learning 3. Attention and Shelf Position 4. Sales Techniques: Customer/Competitor/Product-Focused 5. Interpersonal influence techniques; disrupt-then-reframe 6. Ways to Close a Sale 7. Purchase Decisions: theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) 8. Black box (stimulus-response) model 9. Characteristics that affect
A-Level Psychology 7.5 Advertising Types and Techniques Index: 1. Types of Advertising 2. Marketing Mix Models 3. Product Placement in Films 4. Changing Attitudes and Models of Communication 5. The AIDA model, and other models 6. Hierarchy of Effects model 7. Six Steps & Behaviour 8. Brand Recognition in Children 9. Advertising and Consumer Personality 10. Effective
A-Level Psychology 9.1 Motivation to Work Index: 1. Hierarchy of Needs 2. ERG Theory 3. Theory of Achievement Motivation 4. Goal Setting Theory 5. Expectancy Theory 6. Equity Theory 7. Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation 8. Reward Systems 9. Non-monetary Rewards Need Theories 1. Hierarchy of needs by Maslow (1943) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs claim that
A-Level Psychology 9.2 Leadership & Management Index: 1. Universalist and Behaviouralist theories 2. Adaptive Leadership 3. The Three Levels of Leadership 4. Leadership Effectiveness 5. The Situational Theory of Leadership 6. Style of Leader Behaviour 7. Leader-Member Exchange model 8. Followership 9. Measuring Leadership Traditional and Modern Theories of Leadership 1. Universalist and Behaviouralist theories Universalist
A-Level Psychology 9.3 Group Behaviour in Organisations Index: 1. Group Development 2. Belbin's Theory of Team Roles 3. Measuring Team Roles 4. The Decision Making Process 5. Groupthink 6. How to Reduce Groupthink 7. Cognitive Limitations and Errors 8. Levels & Causes of Group Conflicts 9. Positive & Negative Effects of Conflict 10. Managing Group
A-Level Psychology 9.4 Organisational Work Conditions Index: 1. Physical: The Hawthorne Studies 2. Bullying at Work 3. Open Plan Offices 4. Shiftwork 5. Effects of Shift Work on Health 6. Shift work and Accidents 7. Accidents at Work 8. Reducing Accidents at Work 9. Safety Promotion Campaigns Physical & Psychological Work Conditions 1. Physical Work Conditions:
A-Level Sociology Ch. 6 Education Index: 1. The Perspectives on Education * Functionalist Perspective * New Right Perspective * Marketisation * Privatisation * Marxist Perspective * Feminist Perspective 2. The Educational System & Education Policies 3. Educational Achievement & Intelligence 4. Education & Social Mobility 5. Social Construction of Knowledge & Curriculum 6. Language, Deprivation, & Knowledge 7. Teacher-Pupil Relationships 8.
A-Level Sociology Ch. 8 Media Index: 1. Introduction, New & Old Media 2. Ownership & Control * Marxist Perspective * Neo-Marxist Perspective * Pluralist perspective 3. The History of Media 4. Selection & Presentation of Media Content 5. Impact of New Media 6. Media Representation & Effects 7. Media Impact on Behaviour, Violence, & Deviancy Amplification 8. Globalisation