Hello, one who is reading. On this website, you can find study materials on AS Level for the time being. The notes that I have added to the website are notes that I wished I had when I was studying for my AS exams. I hope this website comes to good use as I want to help as many students as possible.
Study With Mehar aims to side with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 to bring quality education to students all over the world. I have worked my best to provide a student-friendly experience to enrich their education. This website aims to boost the chance of all students in achieving top grades.
I might be putting up more ads on my website soon, and it would be appreciated if you clicked on them, as I need more cash to keep the site running, and maybe to get myself a cup of Karak chai sometimes too :) thank you!
As of February 2025, Study With Mehar has over 250,000 users from more than 195 countries🎉.
Kindly do not repost any of my personalised notes. I have given due credit wherever possible if I have referred to others' material with good intention, down in the References section below.
Do reach out to me regarding any feedback or others. My email is You can also check out Study With Mehar's Instagram where I will be posting updates on new notes that I upload onto the site.
~ Mehar